A Blueprint for Deception

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The UFO enigma is a blueprint example of how a false sense of reality can be created within a population of people so that a deeper truth is buried in plain sight. This enigma has been purposely played by certain organs of the US government in a major way, using various methods of deception to create a modern-day mythology surrounding the subject of UFOs, for whatever reason that might be. It’s not the rumors and stories themselves that are of greatest importance to the discussion here, but rather the bigger picture of what is going on.

A disinformation campaign surrounding the UFO enigma was started as early as 1947, after Kevin Arnold spotted nine flying discs over Mt. Ranier in Washington State. A few months later, the Roswell crash was reported to the news service, only to be retracted the next day and almost completely forgotten for the next fifty years. A few months after that incident, the CIA was formed.

Ever since its inception, the CIA has been heavily involved in running propaganda campaigns, both at home and abroad, for whatever reasons. At a deeper and more secretive level, this very secretive organization has also sought ways to control the human mind, and would go on to develop methods that included a mix of psychological tactics, hypnosis, drugs, electronics, and anything else that would achieve these ends. The CIA also had direct connections to the genetic research conducted by Joseph Mengele even prior to his work in the Nazi concentration camps, when he was still working at the Keiser Wilhelm Institute in Germany.

As UFO sightings began to be publicized in the newspapers over the next few decades, starting with the sighting by Kevin Arnold, public interest in the subject grew, and a number of public and private UFO groups and organizations came to be established, involving themselves with investigating sighting reports and related stories, discussing the various aspects of the phenomena, and disseminating information to their members and the public at large.

At the same time, the Air Force set up a number of projects to investigate the phenomena, the best known being Project Blue Book, which was promoted to the public as a serious investigation into the matter, but which was later found out to be nothing more than a cover project that was intent on creating the public impression that there was nothing to the phenomena. Project Blue Book was surreptitiously filtering the less easily explainable witness reports of UFOs to the CIA, and were only documenting and investigating those reports that were able to be easily debunked. Project Blue Book officially closed in 1969.

In spite of the official claims that there was nothing to the UFO enigma, more and more people continued to report sightings around the globe, and the stories got weirder.

UFO groups and organizations were heavily infiltrated by intelligence agents, and the amount of disinformation being spread through them grew. It became increasingly hard to separate the truth from the lies.

A general mythology developed that centered around extraterrestrial invaders, underground laboratories, secret advanced technologies, human abductions, and genetic experiments. Many of the stories that were promoted tended to be outrageous enough to either put a person off completely, or draw their interest further. This created the ability to more easily distinguish between those people who would be more likely to automatically believe the official version of events and those who wouldn’t believe it so easily and would seek to learn more about the subject.

In spite of the more outrageous and unbelievable aspects of the UFO enigma, and the growing amount of public ridicule of the subject, certain other aspects remained that indicated that there was something deeper going on that involved the interests of the major governments of the world. The government interest itself was the first indicator.

The more reasonable-minded people who were interested in investigating the UFO enigma and were likelier to be believed by the general public were carefully sought out by intelligence agents and fed disinformation as government leaks, leaving these people busy trying to follow leads that usually led nowhere. These people more often than not became central figures in the growing community of ufologists, with their research often being privately funded by certain philanthropic parties with unknown interests in the subject, most notably the Rockefellers, who had secretly funded the Nazi eugenics research in earlier years.

Other key figures that became involved in this enigma were certain respected scientists and publicly recognized figures, such as J. Alan Hynek, Carl Sagan, Edgar Mitchell, etc. They were often more closely connected to the government than were other investigators, and their level of authority or the respect they held with the public helped greatly to influence public perceptions, some of them towards doubt about the reality of UFOs, and some towards belief.

Certain factors surrounding the UFO phenomena began to develop that were harder to explain than others, but left the possibility that the more outrageous stories might actually be true. These included cattle mutilations, secret underground bases, crop circles, reports of encounters with a growing variety of mysterious creatures, etc. On their own, many of these mysteries may have begun as unrelated phenomena, but they soon became tied directly to the UFO enigma.

The UFO phenomena also came to have ties with psychic groups, mostly through the trance mediumship of certain people who received communications from disembodied entities that claimed to be higher intelligences who were contacting the human race from another plane or dimension of existence. These communications helped to establish the already developing New Age movement, mixing ancient history and religious ideologies with occult knowledge and metaphysical understandings. The result was to influence the ideas that would be promoted as the basis for a new understanding of the human situation, with these disembodied entities painting themselves as our superiors and benefactors.

The complexity of the developing situation surrounding the UFO enigma resulted in making it virtually impossible to distinguish what was true and what was not. Little serious media attention was given on the subject at all any more, other than lurid depictions that were based on the general mythology that had developed, which became heavily portrayed in fictional storylines in movies and television shows.

The development of the internet from a private military communications network into a public communications network resulted in further confusion about the UFO enigma as a flood of information, both true and false, not only became far easier to disseminate to the public at large, but also became far more difficult for the average person to verify the authenticity of.

The internet also became the perfect tool for intelligence organs to monitor and control information, moving beyond the limited abilities of the traditional information media and creating a situation that allowed these organs to look deeper into the minds of the public and monitor them far more closely. Patterns and trends could be analyzed and influenced, character profiles could be compiled and studied, and the personal information compiled on individuals and groups could be used to benefit the intelligence organs in various ways.

The control of information and the covert monitoring of the public was expanded as the proliferation of computer technologies took root in the 1980s and early 1990s, and soon became a virtual necessity in the lives of most people. With these technologies, the collection and dissemination of information could be much more closely monitored, and its effect on the public, both as a whole and individually, could be more easily predicted. Those who came into possession of information that was sensitive to the interests of the government or might have a significant effect on the public mind were able to be more easily identified, monitored, and contained.

That conspiracy theories in general have dominated much of the internet activity since it first became popular is interesting to note, in light of what has just been said. The internet has become a clearinghouse for ideas and opinions, making it far easier for intelligence organs to distinguish the mindset of individuals and separate them into various character profiles, which in turn makes it easier to predict how an individual might react to a particular piece of information. By allowing conspiracy theories to remain popular and proliferate among the public, they could be easily monitored and kept under control. Websites were set up by intelligence organs as front outlets for information on both older conspiracies, conspiracies that were still developing, and new conspiracies that were yet to arise, and these sites were heavily promoted so that they would become popular enough to draw much of the flow of information on these subjects, and to identify and monitor those people who were interested in them.

Wireless digital communications technologies were heavily promoted soon after computer technologies were already becoming deeply integrated into society. These two technologies have since proliferated together until virtually every person living in our modern society either owns a computer or a cell phone, but more often both. This has turned the structure of society into a web of people who are connected by invisible lines of communication that carry information back and forth between them. This has steadily become the prominent form of interaction that people have with each other, slowly supplanting the traditional face-to-face interactions of the past. Computer technologies have provided a very efficient means to store and handle information, and this has been taken advantage of to entice people to use them in every capacity possible, so that the greater part of an individual’s activities involve these technologies. These two technological developments – computers and communications – have resulted in a means to access a far greater amount of information about a population and its individual members than was ever possible before.

Computer automation has offered the means to develop programs that can monitor and analyze all this information that continually flows around the globe, and specific types of information can be focused on and monitored very closely. This has been achieved on an international scale with the ECHELON system.

There are claims that certain technologies – the transistor, fiber-optics, etc. – were back-engineered from alien technology, as well as certain other secret technologies, such as antigravity technology, invisibility technology, time-travel technology, etc. Advanced technologies that are developed within secret military projects are going to be secretly tested and used in the field, and this could very likely include operations that involve staged UFO/alien encounters. Some of these advanced technologies, when they have later been declassified and released into the public domain, have often been found to have certain capabilities that could have been used in such stagings. Some UFO or alien encounters were reported to have involved later known technologies, or could have nonetheless been involved in creating many of the UFO/contact experiences that have been reported in the past and present. Whether or not UFOs come from somewhere else in the universe, or if people are really being abducted by extraterrestrials, there is something going on, and certain military and intelligence organs have always been secretly and not-so-secretly involved.

Thermal imaging, night vision, stealth, 3D holographics, lasers, microchips, etc., were technologies that were all being developed in secret military projects as far back as the 1960s, and they could very well have been tested and used in staged UFO/contact scenarios that were covers for actual field testing and operations.

At this same time, the CIA’s top secret MK-ULTRA program had already been in full operation for a decade, and all sorts of mind-control techniques and technologies were in the process of being researched and developed. Hypnosis and drugs were both part of this program, and techniques were developed for erasing memories and overlaying new ones in their place. Staged UFO/contact scenarios were ideal for covering military operations that they didn’t want to be publicly identified with. The nature of the overlaid memories of UFOs or aliens would not only disguise the identity of the real perpetrators, but would also tend to discredit the abductee if they reported the strange events they remembered having experienced. Certain key people involved in retrieving these memories from alleged contactees using regressive hypnosis have been found to be secretly working for the CIA, and this leads to the very likely possibility that they are there to make sure that the proper memories (the overlaid ones) are recalled, while others remain buried.

The evidence shows that the UFO enigma is largely being controlled and manipulated by the military and intelligence organs, and that the situation is being used for some ulterior purpose that, although it isn’t certain at this point what it might be, nevertheless looks to be quite formidable. Whether any UFOs and their occupants are actually visiting us from other parts of the universe or not, or even from inside our planet, the major governments of the world have each taken up a sometimes not-so- secret interest in the UFO enigma, and the US government in particular has been very involved in events surrounding the phenomena from the very start, secretly monitoring and controlling the information that circulates out to the public, through both the mainstream media and alternative sources. This has been centered mostly around the general mythology, covertly promoting a particular belief system and keeping most people focused on that while other possibilities remain almost completely ignored.

The New Age interest groups have been taken advantage of for similar reasons as well. These include groups that still lie within the ‘lunatic fringe’ of the popular UFO groups, but are related more to esoteric matters, such as metaphysics and paranormal phenomena. The memberships of some of these groups are filled with very influential people, and although these people take a serious interest in these groups and their activities, they keep a very low profile about their involvement and don’t usually want it to become public knowledge. This makes them perfect targets for manipulation by anyone who could somehow imitate paranormal activity.

Synthetic Telepathy

In the early years of radar, it was discovered that standing directly in the beam of a radar transmitter when it was on could cause a variety of physiological effects, depending on the frequency being transmitted. This was during the war years, and this discovery would have been seriously considered for immediate applications as a weapon. Although nothing very advanced by today’s standards was likely to have been developed in short time, it’s very possible that weapons technologies were quickly developed that could induce specific states in a person, including sleep, physical immobility, amnesia, etc.

By the early 1960s, a man by the name of Alan Frey, working at Cornell University, discovered that pulsed microwaves could induce sounds inside a person’s head that only they could hear. There is a strong possibility that this effect had already been discovered in the early 1950s, or even before. Whatever the case, further efforts would ultimately lead to the development of ‘synthetic telepathy’, which allowed voices and sounds to be remotely transmitted into a target person’s head, which only they could hear.

As early as 1952, a number of people were coming into voice contact with a mysterious group of disembodied entities that referred to themselves the Council of Nine. These entities could contact a person over the telephone or through a tape recorder, and were sometimes known to speak through these with a metallic voice, but they were just as commonly channeled by various psychic mediums and spoke through them with a natural voice. The Nine claimed to be an advanced intelligence from somewhere else in the universe. According to Andrija Puharich, who seems to have been the first person to be in communication with these entities, they possessed advanced capabilities, including the ability to materialize and dematerialize objects, and displayed these abilities to Uri Geller and himself on a regular basis while Puharich was studying Geller.

At about the time that the Nine seem to have first started making contact with certain people, the UFO enigma was well underway and the newly formed CIA’s MK-ULTRA program was just getting started.

Copyright 2011 © All rights reserved

Excerpted from BIZARRE REALITY: Secret Projects and Strange Phenomena (unpublished)


Anthony Forwood

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