
  • Cabal

    Don’t let the deep state cause the division
    Don’t let the deep state cause the division

    Initially, I was busy researching another story entirely, about how the industrial military extra-terrestrial complex (MIEC) and the Intelligence Community (IC) have partnered up with private tech companies, such as Google, since their very inception. However, I then stumbled upon research from a journalist who had done extensive work on the connections between the Department of Defense (DOD) and intelligence agencies like CIA, revealing that both had funded companies like Google and Facebook - just a few examples of startups that have risen to stardom and fame through these funding schemes facilitated by deep state actors. The journalist's research caught my attention, but I was also drawn in by his own background, including some of the articles he wrote, places he appeared, and one article in particular that stood out. So, I will temporarily set aside my ongoing research on privatized public partnerships with DOD and IC and tech giants like Google to explore this detour, which I hope can serve as an illustration for my point: we need to redefine who the real enemy of humanity is.

    Don’t let the deep state cause the division
    Don’t let the deep state cause the division
  • Library

    The Net: The Unabomber, LSD and the Internet
    The Net: The Unabomber, LSD and the Internet

    Explores the incredibly complex backstory of Ted Kaczynski, the infamous Unabomber. This exquisitely crafted inquiry into the rationale of this mythic figure situates him within a late 20th Century web of technology - a system that he grew to oppose. A marvellously subversive approach to the history of the Internet, this insightful documentary combines speculative travelogue and investigative journalism to trace contrasting countercultural responses to the cybernetic revolution.

    The Net: The Unabomber, LSD and the Internet
    The Net: The Unabomber, LSD and the Internet
  • Vlog

    VLOG #4 - Fredag, 20. september, 2024
    VLOG #4 - Fredag, 20. september, 2024

    Jeg diskutterer nye lokationer hvor jeg kan optage indhold, heriblandt taler jeg om, en sektion jeg vil lægge på forsiden der på nuværende tidspunkt hedder: "In Case You Missed It" (ICYMI) eller "I tilfælde af du gik overså det" på dansk. Jeg har lavet et lille manuskript til disse videoer og vil have fokus på at lave disse korte omtrent 5 minutters som et forsøg på at introducerer folk for emner, set med andre briller.

    VLOG #4 - Fredag, 20. september, 2024
    VLOG #4 - Fredag, 20. september, 2024
  • Library

    Pandemic Simulation Games - A preparation for a new era?
    Pandemic Simulation Games - A preparation for a new era?

    Political decisions during the Corona crisis did not come out of the blue. The "war on viruses" began back in the 1990s as the "war on bioterror." Research shows: For more than twenty years since then, pandemic scenarios have been repeatedly rehearsed in simulation exercises, first in the U.S., later coordinated internationally. The titles of these exercises are reminiscent of Hollywood productions: "Dark Winter" (2001), "Global Mercury" (2003), "Atlantic Storm" (2005) or "Clade X" (2018). High-ranking government representatives as well as well-known journalists were involved, most recently, at "Event 201" in October 2019, also board members of large global corporations. After the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a coronavirus pandemic in 2020, many of the measures that had been rehearsed and discussed for years were implemented globally.

    Pandemic Simulation Games - A preparation for a new era?
    Pandemic Simulation Games - A preparation for a new era?
  • Library

    Woke Doctors Tricked Me Into Gender Surgery - Ritchie Herron
    Woke Doctors Tricked Me Into Gender Surgery - Ritchie Herron

    In one of my most moving ever interviews, Ritchie Herron describes how he was pushed into transitioning, and how he regretted it instantly. After the Tavistock Scandal, the Cass Report and the WPATH Files among other scandals, it is incredible that so many in the West still support transitioning. Elon Musk talked of his son being 'dead' with Jordan Peterson - this is what his son will have gone through, and why he can't now turn back. This is why we should listen to the likes of J K Rowling.

    Woke Doctors Tricked Me Into Gender Surgery - Ritchie Herron
    Woke Doctors Tricked Me Into Gender Surgery - Ritchie Herron
  • Library

    Convert human beings into human resources - John Taylor Gatto
    Convert human beings into human resources - John Taylor Gatto

    The New York Teacher of the Year (1991), John Taylor Gatto, says the most radical thing yet, in answering this question. Are you ready to be free of propaganda from the school establishment? This 3 minute clip may do the job. John is "The World's Most Respected Teacher." RON PAUL wrote the Foreword to his NEW Book. 2016 Release! "The Underground History of American Education". He is the former State Teacher of the Year (New York, 1991)

    Convert human beings into human resources - John Taylor Gatto
    Convert human beings into human resources - John Taylor Gatto
  • Library

    Alex Frank Larsen: De ulovlige LSD Eksperimenter i Frederiksberg hospitals kælder i samarbejde med CIA
    Alex Frank Larsen: De ulovlige LSD Eksperimenter i Frederiksberg hospitals kælder i samarbejde med CIA

    Alex Frank Larsen, journalist, forfatter og TV-producer, fik i 1986 Cavlingprisen “for hans stædige og vedholdende journalistik omkring behandlingen af patienter, som har fået LSD i medicinsk sammenhæng. Det er komiteens opfattelse, at det førte til lovgivningen i 1986 om erstatning til LSD-ofre”. Han har bl.a. skrevet bogen “De Sprængte Sind” om sagen, samt produceret en TV-dokumentar af samme navn.

    Alex Frank Larsen: De ulovlige LSD Eksperimenter i Frederiksberg hospitals kælder i samarbejde med CIA
    Alex Frank Larsen: De ulovlige LSD Eksperimenter i Frederiksberg hospitals kælder i samarbejde med CIA
  • Library

    The Jeffrey Epstein Mossad/CIA Blackmailing Operation and International Trafficking Ring
    The Jeffrey Epstein Mossad/CIA Blackmailing Operation and International Trafficking Ring

    (Made before his death in 2019) This is the disturbing tale of Jeffrey Epstein, a convicted sex offender and billionaire who thus far has escaped any major consequences for performing sexual acts on teenage girls. Despite facing criminal charges a decade ago, Epstein was able to dodge any major repercussions and prison time. Now, with a federal lawsuit looming on the horizon, the truth about Epstein may finally see the light of day. To date, this lawsuit, and the chance to publicize the truth, offers the best chance at Bringing Down Jeffrey Epstein.

    The Jeffrey Epstein Mossad/CIA Blackmailing Operation and International Trafficking Ring
    The Jeffrey Epstein Mossad/CIA Blackmailing Operation and International Trafficking Ring
  • Library

    A possible case of mind control during Britney Spears interview
    A possible case of mind control during Britney Spears interview

    In an interview with the famous pop star singer Britney Spears, during the interview you can see a possible and potential example of mind control, where she switches when she says the word "weird." Mind control can be implanted in a subject with trigger words, among other techniques, and I believe this potentially could be what has happened in this case. It looks like in this clip that she switch states or alters which could lead to degrees of what is known as dissociative identity disorder (DID) in victims who have experienced this kind of abuse.

    A possible case of mind control during Britney Spears interview
    A possible case of mind control during Britney Spears interview
  • Cabal

    Someone is trying to start a civil war, don't let them.
    Someone is trying to start a civil war, don't let them.

    What is often referred to as "the cabal", or a crime syndicate if you will of entities with aligned interests such as: bloodline families (such as Rothschilds, Duponts, Rockerfellers etc.), secret societies (such as Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Jesuits/Vatican) and supranational organisations and think tanks (such as NATO, UN, WHO, WEF, Bilderberg, Club of Rome etc.) are actively trying to sow division between groups of people in order to start a civil war, the chaos momentum they need in order to push the world in their new world order system. This also happens to be the freemasons motto: Order out of Chaos. They are avid students of the machiavellian technique and employ basic divide and conquer techniques and serve as the hidden hand, the invisible force that is pushing their agenda of the NWO (new world order) through the media, banking etc. empire.

    Someone is trying to start a civil war, don't let them.
    Someone is trying to start a civil war, don't let them.
  • Library

    Rebecca Rose documents her father's top secret career in the military industrial complex
    Rebecca Rose documents her father's top secret career in the military industrial complex

    For the first time ever, Rebecca documents her father's top secret career in the military industrial complex and makes a shocking discovery about his true identity that will change her life forever. -- Why was he so obsessed with space? Who was he trying to contact? What is a fractal helix? -- Revelations also include mind-blowing new information about her brother's secret childhood experiences as well as healing, heartening communications from the Mars Mantids and SSP battle memories recovered. Bonus: a special message from the Pigman, Rebecca's comrade and pilot trainer from Planet X.

    Rebecca Rose documents her father's top secret career in the military industrial complex
    Rebecca Rose documents her father's top secret career in the military industrial complex
  • Library

    Jennifer Doudna presents advancement in CRISPR technology
    Jennifer Doudna presents advancement in CRISPR technology

    We have on our computers a very handy tool, which allows us to copy/paste text we see from one location to another. With advancement into what is known as CRISPR technology, we now have the same capabilities on a cellular level. We can insert a piece of genetic code into our DNA, ie. copy/paste. This leads to many ethical questions and it is important to understand that this is not science fiction or "just around the corner" but actually available right now as we speak. And we must not lead people misuse this, because with this amount of power of the human genome comes responsibility.

    Jennifer Doudna presents advancement in CRISPR technology
    Jennifer Doudna presents advancement in CRISPR technology
  • Library

    Marvin Minsky a pioneer in Artificial Intelligence discusses the future
    Marvin Minsky a pioneer in Artificial Intelligence discusses the future

    Marvin Minsky who was a pioneer in the field of Artificial Intelligence and laid the groundwork with his research into what he called in his book perceptrons, which later became the bedrock of modern AI, machine learning. In this ted talk, however, he discusses the total amount of people that our planet can sustain which is around 200 million people. The reason I find this important is because he frequented Jeffrey Epsteins Island and the Georgia Guidestones estimated 500 million people to be the optimal carrying capacity for mother earth and it's inhabitants in order to reach an equilibrium you might say.

    Marvin Minsky a pioneer in Artificial Intelligence discusses the future
    Marvin Minsky a pioneer in Artificial Intelligence discusses the future
  • Library

    UFO's fly over Washington D.C by the Nazi's (Black Sun Society) after WW2
    UFO's fly over Washington D.C by the Nazi's (Black Sun Society) after WW2

    I believe this event did take place, in 1952, as a power demonstrate to the leaders in the white house, by the Nazi faction, also known as the black sun society who, after world war 2 were the first to go to space, win the space race, and established bases in Antartica such as Base New Berlin in order to continue the war but this time much more subtlety using mind control techniques and superior technological advancement due to their alliances with malevolent extra terrestrials such as the grays and the reptillians who had their own selfish reasons for helping the german faction.

    UFO's fly over Washington D.C by the Nazi's (Black Sun Society) after WW2
    UFO's fly over Washington D.C by the Nazi's (Black Sun Society) after WW2